Over Balboa

Over Balboa

San Diego, California.

Greybull Tomb

Greybull Tomb

This old KC-97 will never fly again, but if it's lucky, some of its parts will… someday.

World War II Veteran Pilot

World War II Veteran Pilot

During an airshow at the Akron-Fulton Airport in Akron, Ohio.

KC-97 Head On

KC-97 Head On

An old KC-97 fuel tanker from the 50s and 60s sits in the "boneyard" at Hawkins-Power Airfield in Greybull, Wyoming.

San Diego Approach

San Diego Approach

Over Balboa Park.



Waiting for its parts to be used in another active KC-97.

Retro Cockpit

Retro Cockpit

A cockpit image with another KC-97 dying on the vine through the window.

Over Akron

Over Akron

A single-engine private plane near Akron-Fulton airport.

Frozen Prairie

Frozen Prairie

Somewhere over America's "bread basket."

Distant Snows

Distant Snows

Somewhere over the High Plains of the United States.